Welcome to Man Island!
When you have been married as long as I have (fourteen years) one needs a sanctuary where one can escape to from time to time.
Please don’t misunderstand me I love my wife. She is beautiful and I am blessed to be with her for now nearly 20 years. I will go further and say she is the better 7/8ths of this marriage.
So why do I need to escape? Because in my own home I am a foreigner in a foreign land and it is ruled by the Queen of Clean: Her radar for my mess making capability extends through walls, floors and doors to the point of understanding my mess potential just by the sounds I am making (e.g. cooking breakfast or making coffee).
I actually have only control of about 10 square feet (in the corner of the master closet) in our comfortable nearly 3000 square foot southern California home. That is the only place where a mess is tolerated. The simple discarded shoe can spark a Chernobyl like meltdown that can only be described as a transformation from Mother Teresa to Teresa Heinz Kerry!
And so it is in the spirit of self-preservation that I have created Man Island.
It is through the web and the ease of blogging that I want to create a community of Man Island signatories where everything that is not allowed to happen in the house has a place:
For example I would suggest that the following is critically important in creating a kick ass Man Island:
1. Hi-fidelity stereophonic computer based capabilities (I recommend Logitech 2.1 speakers)
2. Ipod
3. Itunes
4. Entertainment facility: HDTV and DVD for the watching of sports and movies.
5. High speed Internet with router for easy of connections for bloggers.
6. A full bar with a significant selection of fine wines, spirits and beer.
7. A list of rules for female guests.
8. Ample storage for sports gear.
9. A humidor and a selection of fine tobaccos.
10. Refrigeration capabilities for beer and cold pizza.
11. A selection of tools for those times you are invited back in the house to fix something.
12. A place for the home dog and only loyal companion to sleep.
13. Memorabilia to reflect on life’s achievements while alone.
14. Reading material for your personal Man Island library.
15. Five movies always on hand: Blues Brothers, Caddyshack, Apocalypse Now, The Outlaw Josey Wales, and Animal House.
16. Glassware for an impromptu party of up to 12.
17. A ready supply of ice both crushed and cubed.
18. A cot for sleeping during banishment.
19. Remote control for the overhead door.
20. Variable lighting for mood setting and a Lava Lamp.
If this in anyway describes you please send your info and I will post your content. In addition please syndicate this site for rapid dissemination of Man Island alerts.
We need each other!